7 Chakra Couple Bracelet Set
The seven chakras, or the main energy of our body, are arranged in a line facing the spine. It is said that when energy flows from each chakra, our body, mind, and spirit are able to heal and reach balance. This chakra couple bracelet set also includes 8mm gemstone beads.
Top quality amethyst, lapis lazuli, amazonite, malachite, tiger eye, sunstone and onyx crystal gemstones representing the seven body chakras are used to create our authentic chakra Bracelet.
Who can wear the 7 Chakra Bracelet?
The Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet can be worn by anyone interested in the chakras and their healing properties. The bracelet is believed to help balance the seven energies of the body and improve overall health. It is also a fashion accessory that anyone can wear, regardless of gender and age.
Can I always wear a chakra bracelet?
You can clean and open your chakra bracelet as often as you want. If you wear the bracelet every day, you might find that activating it once a week helps keep the energy open.
What is 7 chakra good for?
In the human body, seven chakras (throat, solar plexus, heart, sacral, crown, brow and sacral) are considered wheels of energy which gives energy to us. If these chakras are balanced and nurtured, the body feels full of energy, centered and grounded.
Can you bath with chakra bracelet?
As the bracelet's beads are all natural stones you can get them wet without any trouble, but the charms (the alloy parts), depending on water properties such as PH (acidity or alkalinity) and chemical composition, may become stained. However, these cases are very rare.
Which hand should I wear my chakra bracelet?
You should rotate your Chakra bracelet between your left and right wrists. Your left wrist is for receiving energy, while your right wrist gives energy. In spiritual traditions like Taoism and Agatha Yoga, the left side of humans is the feminine side.
How do I choose a chakra bracelet?
Qualities to consider when choosing chakra stones or healing crystals are the color, any energetic qualities you want to focus on, and the personal or intuitive resonance you feel when you consider each type of stone.
How do I know if my chakra bracelet is real?
9 Things to Look For Real chakra bracelets have 8 different types of beads.If the bracelet is missing a blue bead or has a random, hot pink bead strung along, it's probably a fake. Each colored bead is made of a special material and is associated with a particular chakra: Root Chakra: Black or Red Agate.