Onyx & Blue Moon Crystal Bracelet
Naturally crafted crystal stones used to create women's crystal bracelets from the farthest part of the world. This Onyx and Blue Moon crystal bracelet makes a unique addition to your chakra jewelery collection and makes a beautiful spiritual gift for someone special.
The main energies of the body are represented by the seven chakras. In the future, people will "tune" their chakras, which has to do with the belief that when all three chakras are open, energy can flow through them and balance can be achieved between body, mind, and spirit.
Healing power; Trustworthy; strong femininity Green Moonstone: Calming energy; help us learn to love ourselves; It is connected to the heart chakra. Peach Moonstone: Good energy; to develop the best in us; guide us to things that make us happy.
Onyx & Blue Moon Crystal Bracelet helps you go after your desires by stimulating the creativity and imagination of your feminine energy. It can help balance and reduce your stress and anxiety. The quiet energy of Moonstone encourages creativity, healing and protection of the mother.
Blue moonstone is known as a stone that radiates gentle, positive energy. It promotes harmony and positive thinking, leading to a new level of inner peace. This gemstone also has the ability to develop imagination, sensitivity, and creativity.
Mood Bracelet Colors and Meanings: Black represents feelings of stress, anxiety or overwork. Red represents stress, anxiety or anger.Green represents active, awake, or sleep state. Blue represents a relaxed, calm or relaxed environment.
Blue Moonstone: Healing energy; to be clear; strong femininity Green Moonstone: Calming energy; help us learn to love ourselves; It is connected to the heart chakra. Peach Moonstone: Good energy; to develop the best in us; guide us to things that make us happy.
Moonstone is known for its pearly luster or Schiller effect, where light is reflected from the two types of feldspar (orthoclase and albite) that make up the stone. Two rocks grow together in an alternating process and when light strikes the interface between orthoclase and albite, a phenomenon called adularescence occurs.